jueves, 11 de junio de 2009

Companies will share the benefits of CSR

It is intended that these companies share with their environment, society and customers the benefits of operating with corporate social responsibility.

"Chain of Socially Responsible Value" is the name of the project launched by the National Competitiveness Center (CNC) under the terms of the Global Network Pact. The agreement endorsing the project was signed by the companies Cervecería Nacional, Elektra Noreste, and Banco General (See box: National Center for Competitiveness and Global Pact).

Temístocles Rosas, President of the Global Network Pact, said that the signing of these agreements helps promote the principles of corporate social responsibility, not only by leading companies, but also by other small and medium enterprises involved in their supply chains, and will become an advantage to organizational work. The benefits of this effort will also be projected to society.

Participating companies

Alejandro Félix de Sousa, Executive Vice President of corporate affairs of Cervecería Nacional (CN) has indicated that he counts on more than 2,000 suppliers nationwide and that "it is going to benefit us, because they are our suppliers, but they can also benefit from this, as they can become stronger and more competitive companies, able to better face the crisis as we see it now," said de Sousa. Javier Pariente, general manager of Elektra Noreste, indicated that the project Chain of Socially Responsible Value of this company is very encouraging because is of direct assistance to train its contractors involved in building the distribution network, and this requires certain skills, safety and discipline.

National Competitiveness Center- This is a nonprofit organization, under a public-private convergence collegiate, which counts with the participation of the presidents of the main organizations of the business sector, representatives of the labor sector, businessmen of ample experience and officials recognized at the highest level of the governmental sector.
- The aim is to make Panama a more competitive country, encouraging actions that lead companies to produce more and better within an appropriate climate for investment, promoting the welfare of the population.
About the Global Pact

- Panama was one of 10 pilot countries worldwide where the implementation of the Global Pact was initiated. The pact was launched in September 2001 with the support of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

- Due to the success of the program, continuity is given to the initiative in Panama, and the companies and organizations that endorsed it, created in November 2002, the Global Network Pact of Panama to promote the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (RSE). It currently has 91 companies, trade associations and NGOs.